Author Archive | Scott Propp

Master Class: Productively Provocative

One of the privileges of working with dozens of enterprises on their business growth around the world is seeing the intrinsic skills of what I have come to call their key “Growth Leaders.”  By Growth Leader, I mean someone who regardless of the external factors of the business, is fantastic at finding the underlying emergent […]

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Are You in the Zone? The Making of an Effective Leader

I’ve been working with the senior team of a large public firm on developing vibrancy in their growth and renewal programs.  One of the executives is ready to take the key role in leading a large scale new initiative with enterprise level impact, and asked me for some coaching on how the task changes from […]

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My Top Five Insights From the 15th Annual SCPD Conference

The theme of the 2016 SCPD conference was innovating at the speed of teams.   Futurist Cecily Sommers keynoted and closed the session, providing great continuity to the other thought leaders and panelists. (You’ll find the full agenda here and here) I came away from the conference energized to help firms take on value creation with […]

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8 Signs You Have Chosen the Wrong Team

I was having coffee with senior co-leads of a large growth effort, and the question they had for me was, “how do we know if we’ve assembled the right team?”  When you get a question like that, you know the answer is yes, they have a problem. I asked them some questions, and it led […]

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Bridge Out Ahead: How to Bring Your ESOP Into the Growth Zone

I have been working with a couple of clients who have re-organized from a founder owner structure into an ESOP structure.  ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) have been around since the late 1950’s, but have recently taken on a much bigger role, as many founders of private firms are moving towards retirement and wish to […]

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5 Challenges to Enrolling the Right Team

It happens every year: March Madness. Every year during this college basketball tournament, many of us enjoy watching the brackets, mascots and last-minute nail biting contests that lead the season’s best and most polished to the Final Four – and ultimately the championship. Just like in college basketball, there is no more fundamental key to […]

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