Author Archive | Scott Propp

5 Signs You Have Chosen the Wrong Project

I had a chance to speak with a growth leader at a mid-sized firm last week who was working on a cross business unit breakthrough program.  He asked a great question: how do I know when a firm has chosen the wrong project?   Here are five of the key indicators that you are on […]

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The Three Most Common Challenges Growth Leaders Face

Just as a golf course designer lays out a course that challenges the skill of the player to place the ball around sand traps, executives that undertake growth initiatives will have their skills challenged in predictable locations that require anticipation, preparation and skill to deliver results.  These three common “sand traps” come to the growth […]

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Decoding Growth: 3 Keys to a Great Discovery Workshop

  I’m just leveling off at 34,000 feet after running a workshop with a great team from a major consumer products firm.  It is very satisfying to hear during the debrief of a Right Project session that the senior leader in the room is positively surprised by the ability to draw out significant new areas […]

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The Surprising New Role of Middle Management

I often have the opportunity to speak with high-potential, mid-senior level leaders who are part of my “Growth Leaders” coaching program. Through these talks, I’ve discovered an emergent trend that I believe will have great value for mid-level leaders and their senior management team: Middle managers play a large role in developing the right growth […]

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The Right Path: Straight Talk for Senior Leaders Who Need to Clear a Path for Growth

Let’s start with some statistics:  not tending the future has big consequences.  According to author and researcher Richard Foster, 75 percent of the S&P 500 will be replaced by 2027.   In working with a C-level client this fall, I’m reminded that today’s hard-driving operational environment leaves precious little time for future building.  I see […]

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