Archive | Leadership

Solving the Mystery of the Super Star Exec Who Suddenly Struggles

It seemingly comes from nowhere and is one of the most frequent symptoms that lead to firms reaching out for help.   The call usually goes something like this: “We have a leader who has served extraordinarily well in [insert previous significant role]. We recently gave them responsibility in this new area, and it’s not going […]

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Get a Nod of Agreement? Why That’s Just the Beginning

I was observing a team meeting with a group earlier this year and it happened right before my eyes. The team had just finished a robust discussion and had done great work to diagnose the cross-functional issue. The team leader had looked around the room and everyone was nodding in agreement about the context and […]

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3 Strategies for Building Resilience in a Recession

There is dialogue in the press these days that suggests we have hit the top of our ability to drive economic growth – and a recession may be around the corner.  What this means to many people, is that we should begin to be conservative with our firm’s investments and pull back to essentials only.   […]

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Finding Your Focus: Why the Source of Your Insights Matter

I was working with an R&D leader in a large manufacturing firm with the focus of jumpstarting vibrancy in their core markets.   The presenting issue was the sales force was reporting that their portfolio did not have the gravitas it once did, and the competition was taking advantage in some of their most profitable […]

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Drift is Never Good: The Accidental Consulting Firm

It’s one of the biggest sand traps for firms as they start to grow – particularly for those founders that have built the firm from the ground up and who are known as scrappy problem solvers. These founders and their teams become driven by finding the next new problem, and for some time, their intuition […]

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Coaching Note to Mid-Senior Leaders: Be Bold

I have been doing some coaching work with cross-functional teams in mature organizations and one topic that comes up over and over again is this: when a team finds some process or data that indicates something is clearly not delivering the desired outcome, how do they speak the truth to Senior Leadership? Many of you […]

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What to Do When You Outgrow Your Team’s Capacity?

When answering the question in the title, the answer that comes to mind first is to hire more people. But as we’ll dive into below, there’s a lot more to it than that. Some of my recent travels have provided me the opportunity to spend time with more than a dozen CEO’s of growing mid-sized […]

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