Author Archive | Scott Propp

3 Signs of Fault Line Trouble in Your Firm

The first time I encountered it was as a business development leader charged with traveling globally to win business with cell phone manufacturers.  I traveled to more than 20 countries and regardless of the sign on the door, they all had it. I’d move from the lobby to one of two zones: The creation zone […]

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The Tax You Levy on Your Products and Services

You’re up early, hit the Peleton, and then grab a coffee and flip open your email.   There it is right on top of the stack: another note from sales requesting a pricing variance.  This is the third one this month…what started as a one-time ask is rapidly becoming a jailbreak.   You’ve got an active, multi-year […]

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At a Crossroads? 3 Questions to Get Your Team Back on Track

I remember it clearly: we had just released a new product, and as demand grew, the manufacturing team just could not deliver.  This new device was used in a unique way, and there was a performance issue that had evaded our typical quality checkpoints.  The sales team had been aggressively incentivized to switch clients over […]

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You Like the Plan, You Like the People. So Why Is Your Strategy Implementation Moving Sideways?

Now that we’re beyond the initial lockdown and pause, I’m seeing many firms under immense pressure to move straight from strategy to implementation without taking stock diagnostically of their capabilities. Productive implementation is something that we used to take for granted – but with the accelerated shifts driven by remote work in the face of […]

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Installing a New Strategy is Like Docking a Space Vessel

Docking.  It’s one of the most delicate and potentially dangerous parts of space flight.   Imagine two objects traveling more than 17,000 miles per hour with significant mass and unconstrained three-dimensional movements subject to orbital mechanics. Any misalignment and the maneuver is a miss at best and catastrophic at worst.  This used to be completed by […]

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Implementation of Your Strategy is Not Automatic

The deck is not enough.   In 1914, Lawrence Sperry introduced the autopilot, and with it, the idea that we can delegate the piloting duties of flying an airplane to a set of gyroscopes, analog computers, and servos. This technology has been a marvel for pilots, and has contributed immensely to the fantastic safety record we […]

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