Archive | Strategy

How to Make Your Ideas Float

The speeches were done, we enjoyed cake and coffee and finished passing out the checks.  The hardware was on the table (a CEO award).  But more importantly, we had sliced almost half of the time it took us to do custom product development, which was pushing up customer satisfaction and would lock us into designs […]

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Fear: A Useful Tool When Finding New Growth Paths

I recall it clearly: I was working with a small manufacturing team that was looking to break out of their current niche.  We had begun doing work on the business model canvas and Growth Zone principles.  We were looking for opportunities in Quadrant One (which is the core), but seeing their strengths and weaknesses effectively […]

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Is Your Growth Strategy Missing one of These?

I’ve been in deep document review for a client for an upcoming diagnostic session, with the topic being growth and transformation.  Like many firms, they have a complex and comprehensive ongoing plan of investment around a longer-range vision.  Also, like many firms, they have opportunities to improve the clarity, focus, organization and leadership associated with […]

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