Author Archive | Scott Propp

Solving the Mystery of the Super Star Exec Who Suddenly Struggles

It seemingly comes from nowhere and is one of the most frequent symptoms that lead to firms reaching out for help.   The call usually goes something like this: “We have a leader who has served extraordinarily well in [insert previous significant role]. We recently gave them responsibility in this new area, and it’s not going […]

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A Key Reason Cross-Functional Efforts Keep Falling Apart

We were 24 months into a very difficult business unit turnaround and a lot of the hardest decisions were behind us.  We had “right-sized” the group so that it was supportable by the existing business run rate. We had reviewed the customer base and focused on the subset where we could provide the most value. […]

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Open Innovation is Hard – Here’s How to Overcome it

Not a month goes by that I don’t have a conversation around one of these observations: “We simply can’t add expertise fast enough” “We don’t have the capital budget to bring that component to market at scale” “The return on investment for our core products is flat, and I think the root is in our […]

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Get a Nod of Agreement? Why That’s Just the Beginning

I was observing a team meeting with a group earlier this year and it happened right before my eyes. The team had just finished a robust discussion and had done great work to diagnose the cross-functional issue. The team leader had looked around the room and everyone was nodding in agreement about the context and […]

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